Sunday, June 10, 2007


First off, mea culpa. I have been silent for quite a while, and I have not been as forthcoming on technical topics here as I intended. Blah.

I am sitting in a hotel ballroom in Dublin OH listening to typical (but pretty good) nerd conference fare on a Sunday morning. I thought I would share some of my notes here, mainly for self interest.

Automation.... It is both obvious and worth repeating that your computer is awesomely well suited at doing stupid, menial, repetitive tasks. Your job as human is to tell it what you want repeated!

AutoHotKey : key macro recorder / playback tool for Windows

CLCL : Windows clipboard expando-ricfica. You don't realize it yet, but your system clipboard is horribly inefficient because it can only hold one thing at a time - one block of text, one picture, etc. Go fix it:

Pipes : Yahoo pipes is an automation tool for the web....

In the Category of Other, Useful, Miscellaneous:
dBDeploy : ThoughtWorks database deployment tool
FindBugs : U of Maryland uber Java static analysis tool.
SchemaSpy : database schema documentation tool

More to come.

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