Thursday, June 30, 2005

...And Now For a Major Announcement

"I'm dead."


"No, not really."


Hello, and welcome to a Random Major Announcement. OK, it's not actually random, but it's close enough. This blog has a quicker, easier way to access it. I have, through the ever-loving, purchased a domain which will redirect to this site.

Without any further adieu, the URL is... (Scott - I require a drum roll...thanks.)


That's right...your favorite dose of entropy has it's own URL. Now when you tell your friends (and I know that all of you have told your friends, right?) you can give them a handy-dandy URL instead of a clunky blogspot address.

Please hold your applause until I finish.

Thank you.

This will not affect those of you that may choose to subscribe to our RSS feed via Bloglines. Simply click the "Subscribe with Bloglines" link. You can also just point things to the original address - - that'll do it. Either way, it's all good.

Thanks to Justin for pointing me in the direction of the GoDaddy deal. He did the research, and I set it up.

You can applaud now.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Holy Crap...

That's right, boys and girls...

Tom Cruise killed Oprah.

You heard it 105th or something.

Thanks to "The Furrygoat Experience" blog.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Random Humans Indeed

It's been a while, yes? Don't fret, oh happy legions of randomness fans, I have not forgotten you. In fact, I have been joined by yet another happy human, "JP." This is my friend Justin - of nothing more I will tell you, as he may kick my ass upon our next meeting if I do. I'd call him a kung-fu randomness ninja, but that would be quite dumb. Maybe he'll choose to introduce himself, maybe not.

Edit (10:06 pm): Seems like Justin beat me to the punch...scroll down for his personal intro.

Great, you say. Scott and JP post, but all you put on the site are lame-ass quizzes and links about your stupid Clip Blog (see how I snuck that in there). Yes, faithful reader, I'm a clippin' fool. (Did you know the Halo 2 Killtacular maps are now free on Xbox Live? If you read my Clip Blog you would.) However, I came to welcome the noble JP to this wonderful world of whatever.

I also have to let you know that my lovely wife Gretchen will be leaving me soon. For jail. That's right, boys and girls, my wife shall become the newest prison bitch. Actually, it hasn't happened yet, but it will.

Gretchen has a pet peeve about parents who leave their children unattended in stores. I can't blame her, however she has urges about taking these children to the edge of the store just to teach their parentals a lesson. As she was sharing this information with our friends (including the newest contributor to this blog), a joke was made that she produce signs that attach to the child. These signs would say something like this:

"Hello. I just wanted you to know that I could have kidnapped your child. That's right, I could have just taken him/her to my car and no one would have been the wiser. You're a horrible parent. Kill yourself now."

Or something like that. I'm paraphrasing, but you all get the idea. Anyway, she thought the idea was great.

Can't you see the camera in Wal-Mart, Meijer, or the local grocery store catching her in the act when a freaked-out parent complains? Yeah, me too. So to all my friends, hope you got a spare room...I'll need to move in soon once one half of this household's income goes to jail.

Until next time, enjoy the randomness.

And read my Clip Blog, you'll be glad you did.

P.S. Scott - email me. I need new contact info. If you get me an email address, I'll send you a Gmail invite.


Hi. I'm Justin. I'm guessing I'm here 'cuz Sam needed some more entropy.

Topics I may bore you with:
  • software development
  • food
  • my doggies
  • music
So, for today, I'll leave you with a little tidbit you may have already seen:
Google Earth

Tack vs Tact.

Microsoft Takes a New Tact With XP Starter Edition

Tact...thats kinda like diplomacy. I suspect the idiom she meant to use here was "tack." At least she knows what a spanking is!

Fixed. No doubt due to the overwhelming readership of this fine publication ;)

What's with the hats?

pointing at gaggle of decidedly older women parading into the restaurant, all adorned in red hats and purple blouses

Whats with the hats?

They're all over 55.

That's it? They're just old?

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

New Developments...

Okay, so there are a lot of new developments. I survived moving, that's a big one. Life with Amy is great, I'm not sure why we didn't move in together earlier. Well, yes, I am, actually, but that's another story altogether. That's the good new development.
The not so good one is that I've been laid off. My company cut about a fourth of their positions, and mine was one of the cut ones. So... I'm unemployed. Yup. I think I'm dealing with it fairly well, for the most part. I've been playing a lot of Diablo 2 and GTA: Vice City. I've even gotten out of the house a couple of times, just walking through the neighborhood or a park (there are several pretty good ones locally.) But, mostly, I've been playing video games. And trying not to feel like a loser. But mostly the video games.
I downloaded a hero and item editor for D2, and made a couple of cheat characters that are kinda fun, but mostly I've played with my non-cheated characters. My Vice City game is coming along quite nicely (mental note: must remember to thank Phil effusively for throwing in VC when he sold me the PS2.) So, here I am, in front of my computer, like I have been most days for the past 2 weeks-ish, but I decided to do something semi-productive this time. And typing out a blog is nicely semi-productive.
I'm not really unhappy about the loss of my job, as it was just a paycheck to me anyhow. I plan to take some classes, since I have the time and the state of California will pay for them. I'm thinking I'll go into the health care field, start off with CNA certification and go from there, since if I'm working at a hospital, they will pay the tuition and I can schedule my shifts around classes (because there's really no way I will want to stay a CNA, I know that already.)
I suppose, in truth, that I am slightly down because of the job loss. It doesn't make sense to me, because even though I didn't always hate the job, I really really did a good bit of the time. I just can't understand why it's bugging me so much. Maybe it's that we're all programmed from a young age that productive members of society get up in the morning and go to a job of some kind, and the people that don't do that (with the exception of those that can't) are bad people, criminals, losers, scum, etc. Maybe that's it. I do feel better when I do something during the day, something more than just wait around for stuff to happen (right now I'm waiting for my form letter that says "Congratulations, you get roughly half of what you were getting before, good luck making ends meet." When that comes, I can call someone there and have them look up the training info for me, because I gave up on the website after 2 hours. No, I'm not kidding...)
Anyway, I'm sure I'll be fine. I've lived off unemployment before, and did fine for 3 months with no severance and no money in the bank. This time, I have both those things, so I'm sure I'll make it. I also have good references, since I left on good terms (as opposed to being fired the last time around, long story, and I'm not going into it here.) So, I'll make it. I've just got to figure out something else to do all day. Either that or get some new video games...

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Beep Beep Boom!

What Video Game Character Are You? I am an Asteroid.I am an Asteroid.

I am a drifter. I go where life leads, which makes me usually a very calm and content sort of person. That or thoroughly apathetic. Usually I keep on doing whatever I'm doing, and it takes something special to make me change my mind. What Video Game Character Are You?