Thursday, February 02, 2006


I paid for my success in Wil's tournament Tuesday night. You see, I had been feeling quite sick all day Tuesday. Despite countless warnings from people that I should definitely listen to, I played poker anyway. And I decided to live blog.

So, of course, I end up doing well (thanks to kicking it luckbox-style on a couple of hands) and feeling like utter crap afterwards. I was in this weird place between satisfaction (from my play, which could have been better, but was good in the abstract, and the results were tremendous) and what-the-hell-was-I-thinking-playing-poker-and-blogging-instead-of-sleeping.

So I get up Wednesday morning to a full-blown case of fever, chills, aches, pains, and fun.


As I'm feverish, I call the workplace and stay in bed.

I basically alternate between unconsiousness and playing Jade Empire on XBox (when sleep became too uncomfortable and daytime TV was only other choice) until Gretchen calls at 4:45. I drag myself from my bed, clean up a bit and move downstairs to await food. I check mail and Bloglines briefly. On a hunch, I check StatCounter to see just how many hits Tuesday night brought.



That is a record for this here site, but we won't tell anyone...else. We's small time...for now.

(Thanks again to Wil and ingoal for the link-love.)

I update a few links on the blog and close everything up just as Gretchen gets home. The food is given to me and I feel extremely well in comparison to moments before consuming it. Grilled chicken, french fries, biscuits, and salad courtesy of Bob Evans.

I go upstairs post-food consumption to play a little more Jade Empire. Gretchen runs out to catch dessert with a couple friends. I continue to lay back and recoup until she gets home. We go downstairs and watch DVR'd American Idol before going to bed (those people totally can't sing, it amazes me that on season 5, they still get this dreck).

On a sadder note, during the day, Gretchen and I get word that my grandfather, who has been in the hospital since Sunday, was being moved to Chattanooga into the ICU. He's not doing particularly well, although he may have improved by the time I click "publish." Anyway, for those of you that do, please say a quick prayer for him and my family.


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